技术咨询:13922519564 汪工
                13652542273 华工



下面是贝加莱ACOPOS 出错代码表32506到39010部分,更全的出错代码表,见后续文章

32506: 读任务级别循环时间错误 Error reading Taskclass Cycle Time

Info(UINT): Status of GetTaskclassCycleTime()

32507: 读任务级别容忍错误 Error reading Taskclass Tolerance

Info(UINT): Status of GetTaskclassMaxCycleTime()

32508: 在发送一个空闲时间命令对 NC 管理器任务错误

Error at sending a idle time command to the NC Manager Task

Info(UINT): Status of RtkWriteFifo()

33000: 主循环时间不是通信循环时间的整数倍

Master cycle time is not a multiple of communication cycle time

36001: 参数限定在有效范围 Parameter limited to valid range

36002: 位置环控制的整个时间限定在规定时间

Total time for the position loop controller limited to prediction time

37101: 从轴上补偿距离计算限定在最大值

Calculated compensation distance on slave axis limited to maximum

37102: 从轴上补偿距离计算限定在最小值

Calculated compensation distance on slave axis limited to minimum

37103: 从触发超出窗口 Slave trigger out of window

37104: 从触发丢失 Slave trigger missing

37105: 主补偿触发超出窗口 Master compensation trigger out of window

37106: 主补偿触发丢失 Master compensation trigger missing

37107: 不可替换实际 / 设定位置到更高在控制器开时

Displacement actual-/setposition to high during 'controller switch on'

37108: 主轴上补偿距离计算限定在最小值

Calculated compensation distance of master axis limited to minimum

37109: 从触发超出窗口 Master trigger out of window

37110: 主位置在启始高于触发 1 位置 Masterposition at start higher than 1. triggerposition

37111: 凸轮曲线数据:在幂数据 Y ( X)和从周期不同

Cam profile data: Difference between polynomial value y(xn) and slave period

Info(REAL): Difference

37112: 凸轮曲线数据幂超过限定值

Polynomial within cam profile data exceeds limit value

Info(UINT): Detail

38000: 电流控制器:计算电流偏差不可能 Current controller: Calculation of current offset not possible

38001: 电流元件限定超过最大变频电流

Current quadrature component limited to maximal inverter current

Info(REAL): Maximal inverter current

39001: Endat 编码器:位置修正激活 Endat encoder: Position correction active

Info(USINT): Slot

39002: 旋变:速度限定在 14 位分辨率超出 Resolver: Speed limit for 14 bit resolution exceeded

Info(USINT): Slot

39003: Endat 编码器:报警置位 Endat encoder: Alarm bit is set

Info(USINT): Slot

39004: Endat 编码器:报警位 - 亮失败 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Lighting failure

Info(USINT): Slot

39005: Endat 编码器:报警位 - 信号放大太小 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Signal amplitude too small

Info(USINT): Slot

39006: Endat 编码器:报警位 - 检测位置值 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Defective position value

Info(USINT): Slot

39007: Endat 编码器:报警位 - 过压 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Overvoltage

Info(USINT): Slot

39008: Endat 编码器:报警位 - 低压 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Undervoltage

Info(USINT): Slot

39009: Endat 编码器:报警位 - 过流 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Overcurrent

Info(USINT): Slot

39010: Endat 编码器:报警位 - 需要更换电池 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Battery change required

Info(USINT): Slot

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